This photograph shows staff and students at ‘The Hop’ Ball in the Fife Road buiding of Kingston School of Art in 1932. It was donated…

Before becoming an Architecture student, Gordon Miller was a Junior at KSA during the war. These images show some of his work from this time.

A selection of KSA prospectuses from the 1930s to 1960s – from the Kingston University Archives.

As you can see from these images from the Kingston University Archives, the Kingston Hall Road building where both KSA and Kingston Technical College had…

A selection of maps of Knights Park’s location in Kingston, taken from KSA prospectuses from the 30s, 40s and 50s:

Wartime frugality applied to prospectuses at KSA – as you can see, the 1939 edition had to make do for the subsequent year too. KSA…

Here’s a sample of the KSA headed letter paper from the 1930s. Note Reginald Brill listed as Headmaster, with the School of Art and Technical…

This canvas is a student work by Warner Cooke, dating from the 1930s. His family believe that the stately home depicted in the background is…