DipAD re-application August 1963
The shock of not gaining approval for courses in Fine Art and Graphic Design in 1962 led to a complete overhaul of teaching staff. Additional staff who joined Kingston at this time included:
Graham Arnold – appointed lecturer in painting from September 1963
John Baker – Stained Glass & 3D Design
Brian Crouch – Drawing, Painting and Design
Alfred Dunn – Creative Design & 3D Design
A. Freeman NDD – Metalwork & Design
Dennis Gilbert – History of Painting
H. Haigh – Enamelling
Leslie Jones – Printmaking
T. Jones ARCA – Drawing, Painting & Creative Design
Bryan Kneale – Painting, Metal Sculpture & Creative Design
Molly Richardson – Lithography
John Robson – Sculpture
Alfred Young ARCA – Drawing, Painting & Creative Design
Principal Wilfred Fairclough wrote an assessment of the growth of the art school since World War Two as part of the new application: “Since 1946 the school has grown from comparatively small beginnings into a school of considerable size and complexity. The Departments of Architecture and Design are completely new creations since the war. The Fine Art Department has been completely remodelled and re-orientated. The aim throughout this period of growth has been to create a well balanced school, integrated in its parts, each part deriving strength from, and giving strength to each other part. On this balanced foundation the quality of instruction has borne rewards not only in Examinations but also in open National Competitions. The consistent success over a long period of time sprang from a wide inter-related study, broadly based on a main subject and enriched with other courses of high quality conducted in the school. It has constantly been the aim to produce liberal minded, well trained artists capable of a great variety of creative activity on a high level. In the broader concept of the Diploma in Art and Design it would be our endeavour to broaden and deepen the students’ activities.”
The courses for the DipAD in Fine Art and in Graphic Design at Kingston were approved by the governing body, the NCDAD on 15th April 1964.
The images below, from Kingston University Special Collections, show the staffing structure when the DipAD application was made in 1963: