1956/7 proposal to extend Knights Park
This plan dates from the mid-1950s, and demonstrates the pressing need Kingston School of Art had at this time to extend their premises. The pink triangle of land in the centre was purchased and earmarked for a small extension to the original Knights Park 1939 building at this time, after attempts to buy more of the adjoining land were rebuffed. The post-war finances of the Ministry of Education had meant that larger schemes of extension were not possible, and Kingston School of Art had for many years been operating annexes in Wood Street, Clarence Street, and in the Clubroom of the Swan pub on Mill Street.
In 1947, the Chief Education Officer for Surrey County Council, A.B. Leach had written to the Ministry of Education, detailing the overcrowding experienced at Kingston:
“The accommodation at this school is considerably over-taxed, the recognised accommodation being 250 and the number of students at present on roll being 350.”
The plans for an extension in 1956/7 was estimated to cost £68,500.
Architect’s plan of additional land to be purchased to extended Knights Park